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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Australia or Bust!

Well, we got Brandt off to Australia.  He flew out Friday.  Yes, I was nervous, but excited.  I didn't realize how nervous I actually was until we had to leave him.  This was the first time he had flown and it was by himself to Los Angeles.  I watched him walk down the corridor until I couldn't see him anymore.  With security the way it is these days, there is no where inside of the airport to watch planes come and go if you don't have a ticket.  Needless to say, I made Danny drive up and down the street by the airport until I knew he was on the plane (I made Brandt call me when he was in his seat on the plane).  I wanted to wait and watch the plane take off, but Danny talked me into leaving.  Anyway, as soon as I got home, I pulled his flight up on the computer and watched it all the way to LA ( - live airline tracking).  Once he reached LA and caught up with his coach and teammates I was fine.   I will confess...Sat. morning when I woke up, I tracked him to Australia.  I can't imagine not having the internet.  I would have been a basket case.  As soon as the airlines reported that his plane had landed I took a deep breath.

Brandt called around 9:30 pm tonight, Sunday (which is Monday at 12:30 pm in Australia).  They are 15 hours ahead of us.  Said they were at a theme park, but would be heading to the golf course in about an hour.  Said Australia is expensive.  A coke, 20 oz., cost $3.30.  Gas is $8.00 a gallon.  If nothing else, this will be a great economics lesson. :)

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