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Friday, July 25, 2008

And you thought I was just a worry wort!

Did you see the news today?????   Yes!  Qantas Airlines is what Brandt flew on to Australia.  For those of you that did not see the news.  A Qantas plane traveling from London to Australia lost cabin pressure, dropped the air mask, and nose dived 20,000 feet due to a hole in the side of the plane. It landed safely, but I was thankful it wasn't Brandt's plane.  
I'll be honest.  I don't think I had ever heard of Qantas Airlines until Brandt flew on it and now it seems like I here about it all of the time.  The day he was traveling from Brisbane to Sydney to Hawaii, I turned on the television in Utah and the first thing I heard was a Qantas aircraft was evacuated due to a bomb threat.  My heart dropped.  It turned out to be a flight from Los Angeles to Australia.  
Daddy put a prayer request in the journal for Brandt as he traveled to Australia.  THANK YOU to everyone that prayed for him.  The Lord answered our prayers.

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