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Friday, November 14, 2008

Golf and Volleyball

Well, golf was tough this past weekend.  Let's just say we nicknamed Brandt the "b-man" and no the "b" does not stand for stands for "bogey".  For those of you not into golf lingo, a bogey is 1 over par.  He just wasn't shooting well, but thank goodness for his putting.  He was putting lights out this weekend.  I'm scared to think what his score would have been if he wasn't putting well.  Oh well, that's the game of golf.  He can't complain, he came in tied for 7th out of a field of 50 golfers.  A good friend of his, that is also a member of Parkview's Golf Team took 1st place, so Baton Rouge was represented well.  Next stop on the golf tour will be Covington and then he was invited to play in Gulf Shores the weekend before Christmas.  

And then there was volleyball.  We went into the state tournament a top seed, but were upset Wednesday by the #13 seed.  Of course this was not what we wanted or expected.  It was truly an upset.  I feel for the girls, especially the seniors.  Been there, done that, and a state tournament loss seems to be the worst.  For the underclassmen, we have next year.

1 comment:

Janee said...

Thanks for your comment. My sister played volleyball for Central all 4 years, and we were SO proud of the season they had this year. They're a great group of kids.

Sounds like your girls did pretty well too, all things considered!

Have a great "last week before Thanksgiving"!!