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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Christmas Come and Gone

We made it and it was nice. My family came to the house Christmas Eve for Seafood Gumbo and to open presents. Christmas Day we went to Daddy's for lunch and then Danny's niece and nephew came over that night. We don't get to see them very often so it was nice visiting with them.

Things have been kinda quiet since Christmas. It's been great! I only left the house Saturday to go to the grocery store. For some unknown reason my family thought we needed food????...and Yes, I cooked. I know, I know...hard to believe.

Too much time makes you think too much though. It hit me that Brandt only has a little more than 4 months left in high school. That's not a long time. As busy as we will be with golf and school, it is going to fly by. I'm going to try to remember to stop and enjoy it all.

Hey, if you haven't seen my "sites I visit", go check out The Gosselins 10. This is Jon and Kate plus 8. They have a reality show on TV. I have always loved their show, but for Christmas, Katie and Ryan gave me their book "Mulitple Bles8ings". It is so good. It is a story of faith and they share their daily walk with Christ and how they trust him to get them through each day. What an awesome witness they are to our world. I pray that their book will touch the lives of many who are lost.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I pray that the Lord will bless you and your family in 2009.

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