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web copy writer
web copy writer

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy week at The Garon's house

We've had a busy, but productive week at our house.

The roofers came Monday and started striping off the old roof while we were in Lafayette at the golf tournament. That meant that Danny had to hit the floor running Tuesday. He ended up replacing 15 sheets of plywood on the roof before the roofers could start with the new roof. They finished the roof Wednesday evening at about 5:00. I'm so glad the banging stopped.
We also had men here working in the yard, getting it cleaned up. That was a chore since we had so much material from our remodeling (that's not finished yet) :o(
While all of this was going on, some tree guys stopped by and asked if we wanted them to get some dead limbs out of our trees. Danny said sure...God sent these men...we have had Danny's old white truck sitting in the driveway for over a year and a Nova with no engine since we moved in here. The guys asked what we were going to do with the truck...Danny told them "you haul it you can have it". IT'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they're coming back for the Nova!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I need to say anything else????

Now for the inside...I got the computer room, laundry room, and my room cleaned. These rooms catch the clutter when you need to clean a room fast because company is coming over. Well, they are put back together for now. Everything in it's place. I don't expect this to last too long.

Last, but not least...I have washed clothes for 2 solid days. When I tell you the machines did not stop until after I had fallen asleep each night, I am not lying. I think we have too many clothes!!!!! NOT!!!

Busy, but productive. It feels soooooo good to have all of this finished. Now I can go back to work next week with a little less stress.

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